Posted on May 3, 2014Categories NewsTags , ,   Leave a comment on Duckseason’s George Gaganis about Dependency Injection

Duckseason’s George Gaganis about Dependency Injection

George Gaganis has spoken on Friday, May 2, 2014 at 7:00pm At City College, about Dependency Injection; how it works, the pros and the implications that duckseason faced when they adopted it for their new project. More details here. You can find the presentation slides here: depencency_injection.odp The code examples are available on github Follow Giorgos on Google+,Twitter

Posted on February 5, 2014February 11, 2014Categories Technical ArticlesTags , , , , 1 Comment on How-to setup gradle for existing libgdx multi-project using the Google android plug-in.

How-to setup gradle for existing libgdx multi-project using the Google android plug-in.

This article concerns fellow programmers that use libGDX. We hope you will find it useful. We are using libgdx to develop our upcomming game. To manage the project configuration and building, we had been using the gdx-setup-ui.jar at the beginning and then we created a gradle setup using the jvoegele/gradle-android-plugin. Unfortunately this plug-in was discontinued when Google released its own tool-chain based on Gradle. So after a couple of updates of the Android SDK our setup stopped working and we … Continue reading “How-to setup gradle for existing libgdx multi-project using the Google android plug-in.”