Posted on February 27, 2014June 30, 2021Categories InstructionsTags , , , ,   Leave a comment on Εγκαταστήστε το Calculator Ultimate μέσω του Amazon Appstore ή του Samsung Apps

Εγκαταστήστε το Calculator Ultimate μέσω του Amazon Appstore ή του Samsung Apps

For the english version of this post, please click here. Φίλοι της duckseason, Για αρκετό καιρό η γραφειοκρατία δεν μας επέτρεπε να διαθέσουμε το Calculator Ultimate στην Ελλάδα. Αυτό, επιτέλους εδώ και μερικούς μήνες έχει αλλάξει. Η Google συνεχίζει να μην μας επιτρέπει να διαθέσουμε εφαρμογές προς πώληση μέσω του Google Play, αλλά πλέον υπάρχουν εναλλακτικές! Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το Calculator Ultimate (την πλήρη έκδοση) μέσω: του Samsung Apps (εαν διαθέτετε συσκευή Samsung τότε έχετε το Samsung Apps application προ-εγκατεστημένο) … Continue reading “Εγκαταστήστε το Calculator Ultimate μέσω του Amazon Appstore ή του Samsung Apps”

Posted on February 26, 2014June 30, 2021Categories News, UpdatesTags , ,   Leave a comment on Calculator Ultimate Lite temporarily unavailable on Samsung Apps

Calculator Ultimate Lite temporarily unavailable on Samsung Apps

Dear friends, Due to a Samsung Apps feature update, Calculator Ultimate Lite will be temporarily unavailable for download for the next a few days. This is not something permanent and it does not affect the Full Version of Calculator Ultimate. After this short period, Calculator Ultimate Lite will available for more Samsung devices In the meanwhile you can download Calculator Ultimate Lite through Amazon Appstore here and through Google Play here We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Posted on February 22, 2014June 30, 2021Categories InstructionsTags , , , ,   Leave a comment on How to install ‘Calculator Ultimate’ on your Android device

How to install ‘Calculator Ultimate’ on your Android device

Hello friends of duckseason, Lately we had support requests for Calculator Ultimate, like “I cannot find full version” or “How can I download it”. Actually, bureaucracy prevents us from making Calculator Ultimate available through Google Play, so let us try clear everything out. For the greek version of this post, please click here. Calculator Ultimate (full version) is available through: Samsung Apps (Only samsung devices have access there) Amazon Appstore (As far as we can tell, sells worldwide and … Continue reading “How to install ‘Calculator Ultimate’ on your Android device”

Posted on February 5, 2014February 11, 2014Categories Technical ArticlesTags , , , , 1 Comment on How-to setup gradle for existing libgdx multi-project using the Google android plug-in.

How-to setup gradle for existing libgdx multi-project using the Google android plug-in.

This article concerns fellow programmers that use libGDX. We hope you will find it useful. We are using libgdx to develop our upcomming game. To manage the project configuration and building, we had been using the gdx-setup-ui.jar at the beginning and then we created a gradle setup using the jvoegele/gradle-android-plugin. Unfortunately this plug-in was discontinued when Google released its own tool-chain based on Gradle. So after a couple of updates of the Android SDK our setup stopped working and we … Continue reading “How-to setup gradle for existing libgdx multi-project using the Google android plug-in.”